Visual concept and corporate identity for the 10th Exhibition of Graphic Design.

Role: Conceptual Designer, Illustrator, Photographer.

The project was included in the 100 best works by designers from Russia and neighboring countries in 2010.

The university diploma project on the subject: «Aesthetics of art mob as a stylistic basis design events». The project involved the development of core design elements, a corporate identity for media, a series of posters, adaptation of graphic materials for urban environments, and the conceptualisation of promotional activities for the exhibition, including a promotional video. 

The project's visual approach aimed to capture the essence of image motion, spatial complexity, the interplay of meanings, and the fusion of numerical symbolism and the connection of ten numbers which shape the world. Key slogans included 'Space is symbolic,' 'Time is significant,' and 'Art-mob of signs.' The project's design hinged on the interaction of the number 10 and the aesthetics of art-Mob, providing various opportunities for project development, such as using 'Sign' (logo) as the identification element of the competition, and utilizing '10' as the identification element of art mob and promotional codes. The project introduced a new language and a fresh perspective on reality to enhance the overall image of the event. It was an experimental exploration of a new phenomenon within the Russian context, harnessing the creative energy of many individuals

Diploma project advisor: Elena Shlienkova
Project for Vasily Shishkin

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